People of Substance (POS) Interdenominational Ministries, registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria as People of Substance Global Outreach, is a mandate received from the Lord, sometimes in early 2010 on a mountain of prayer in Iworoko Ekiti.
The Ministry started her outreaches and launched out from Christ Apostolic Church, UNAD Assembly (now CAC EKSU Assembly) in the same year. Our mandate in People of Substance Ministries includes discipleship of believers in fulfillment of their divine assignments on earth, while preparing men and women for the Lord’s second coming. People of Substance coordinates a prophetic intercessory group that monthly raises prayer issues for the church her leaders and lost souls specifically in Nigeria and this prayer move has been operational since July, 2017. POS Interdenominational Ministries also coordinates Praise World Evangelistic Ministry (PWEM) a music evangelism ministry that focuses on evangelizing the world through music.

The Ministries also support missions and collaborates with missionary organisations for mission-based labours. Evangelism is central to our mandate as believers thus, People of Substance engages in tracts production and distribution, School evangelism as well as organising Village evangelism crusades and Outreaches for advancing the Kingdom of God.

Some of the ministry’s annual programmes include

  • Monthly campus Discipleship summits
  • Worship Crusades
  • Prayer Summits
  • An Annual Conference.

 Vision and Mission of People of Substance Ministries

  • To disciple men and women (particularly youths) who will stand for Christ in the world at their respective gates and spheres of influence. (Isa 60: 1-2).
  • To fulfill God’s end-time agenda through discipleship – raising vessels unto honour (Matt 28:19-20; 2 Tim 2:21)
  • To support men and women in the actualisation of their divine assignment (1 Peter 2:9; 2 Tim.1:9).


1. People of Substance Ministries is an Interdenominational mandate which is open to all believers, from every denomination.

2. The Ministry POS, has 5 focal areas which are: Discipleship, Evangelism & Missions, Intercession, Destiny fulfillment & Preparing men for eternity.

3. We do not take offerings in our meetings; we only trust God to meet every need.

4. We love the body of Christ, which is the Church. We are for all denominations (with sound bible truths and doctrines) and for none with (unscriptural doctrines); our members are from all denominations.

5. We treasure all our fathers of faith; submit to discipleship and to mentorship. But we emphasize the pursuit of the God of man and reject all forms of personality cults.

6. We do not use ministers’ pictures on our flyers and program posters– let Christ alone be glorified.

7. All workers in People Of Substance Ministries are referred to as Stewards (also known as Servants).